Mar 7, 2017

Petit Jardin Milano Legs Relaxing Cream

Ever since I have learned that my skin is sensitive, I’ve been on a constant hunt for skincare products with natural or organic ingredients in it. In this way, I could be 100% sure that it’ll be mild on my skin and at the same time, will guarantee me that it will be an effective product too.

After my successful collaboration with SkinB5, a product with natural and effective ingredients that help to fight acnes from within, and at the same time, helps your skin to renew itself. I searched for other products to have collaboration with.
I stumbled upon Petit Jardin Milano.

What is Petit Jardin Milano?
- Petit Jardin Milano was established in 2009 to meet the needs of the skin of all ages. Since October 2013, it has become Solale Srl property that gave new impetus to the company. Petit Jardin Milano is a solid reality of the organic beauty made in Italy established itself on national and international scene.
- Organic solutions for the skin
- Love, respect, research and quality are the pillars of our lines for a cosmetic experience of well-being at any age.

What’s great about Petit Jardin Milano?
- They have ECO Bio AIAB Certification responding to all criteria of environment friendly and a nature respectful cosmetic.
- The cosmetics have been specially formulated to minimize the risks of possible allergies.
- None of the products has been tested on animals, in accordance with the rules provided by the European Union.
- Petit Jardin Milano cosmetics are completely Italian: from raw materials to production and distribution, the Made in Italy hallmark of all their lines.
- The manufacturer adheres to the consortia, provided by the law, to organize the recovery and recycling of the packaging.

What’s in their ingredients?
- They give top priority to the welfare of the person and of the environment, that’s why the main ingredients of the products strictly come from organic farming. Among the most important: Aloe Vera, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Shea Butter, Rosehip Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Salvia Officinalis Extract, Rosemary Extract and Sweet Almond Oil.

What’s not included in their products?
- They adopted a strict policy of 0% for the following ingredients: Parabens, Silicons, Formaldehyde, Petrolatum, Mineral Oils, PEG, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Diethanolamine, and Ethanolamine.

Upon reading these stuffs, I immediately got attracted to it.
Imagine, all the high quality ingredients they have?!

Petit Jardin Milano can surely compete with other brands I have used such as Aqua Mineral Dead Sea, Organi, Black Pearl and even products which were produced by luxury brands.

I got my first sample last February 9, 2017.
I wasn’t in our office that time so my mom was the one who received it. Upon opening the package, I was welcomed by the minty fragrance of the product.
Take note my dear readers, I haven’t opened the product yet.

What was sent to me by Solale Srl was a Legs Relaxing Cream.
I actually had a chance to choose three products, but was sent one product from the three.

By Saturday evening, I got excited opening the product’s box since I just got home from my ballet class. This Legs Relaxing Cream is what I needed after a day full of walking, occasional running, barre routine and even, sitting and standing for long hours.

Product’s Desrciption:

Particularly indicated for heavy and tired legs.

The product is absorbed with extraordinary speed and helps immediately to eliminate the feeling of heaviness thanks to the combined action of the Horse Chestnut Seeds Extract, Centella Asiatica, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Mint and Menthol Crystals.

Indication For Use:

Distribute a small amount of Legs Relaxing Cream by a gentle massage from the bottom up, starting from the ankles going up to the end of the leg, until completely absorbed.

Insist in particular points where you want to reduce capillaries visibility.
Legs Relaxing Cream can be applied whenever is needed, at any time of the day.
However, to maximize benefits, it is recommended to apply in the evening just before bedtime.

Actually, the scent of the Legs Relaxing Cream also helps you to relax and get a deep sleep you should have after a tiring day. :)

Key Ingredients:

1. Horse Chestnut Seeds contain Aescin and Esculoside:

-the first one increases the tone by creating the action of vasoconstriction, strength and elasticity of the blood vessels, while the second one favors the absorption of fluids and anti-edema effect, eliminating the bloated feeling.

2. Centella Asiatica:
-stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers and has a strong healing, anti-wrinkle, anti-cellulite tone effect.
(Excellent results in cases of venous circulatory failure, varices overt, post-phlebitis and cellulitis syndrome).

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
-almost entirely composed of triglycerides (the most represented fatty acids like oleic, linoleic and palmitic), which promote the skin regeneration process.
Rich in the right amount of unsaturated fatty acids, contain between the minor constituents, in addition to beta-carotene (Pro-vitamin A) and tocopherol (Vitamin E), a whole series of antioxidants (phenolic compounds, etc.) which perform an effective Anti-aging action as antagonists of free radicals.

4. Aloe Vera Gel:
-helps to relieve congestion legs (sore) leaving a pleasant soft and velvet feeling on the skin.

5. Wheat Germ Oil:
-beneficial for promoting the reduction of cell damages caused by atmospheric pollution, the oxidation process, and then the formation of free radicals.

6. Mint and Menthol Crystals:
-help to tone your legs and immediately remove the fatigue leaving a pleasant lightness and freshness to the skin for a very long time.

Just imagine all the good benefits you'll get from this product! :)

Petit Jardin Milano is a skin care supplier and exporter and has 20 authorized distributors in different continents.

I'll highly recommend this for all the women in action! :)
This product can relieve tired legs and at the same time, give you beauty/skin care benefits.

This could be used by ballerinas like me.
Especially after a tiring day at class!

Thank you, Petit Jardin Milano for coming up with this wonderful product!!!

***I do believe that up to this date (March 7, 2017), there are no authorized distributors of PJ Milano here in the Philippines.

I'm honored to announce to everyone that PJ Milano is open for new distributors here in the Philippines! You may message me about it, so that I could give you the details for it.

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